The EquipEX LIGAN-Personalized Medicine genomic center, headed by Professor Philippe FROGUEL and Doctor Amélie Bonnefond, is mainly dedicated to the analysis of the human genome and its anomalies. Its latest generation high-throughput sequencers allow the sequencing of the genome of patients suffering from frequent or rare diseases (responsible for diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, kidney disease).
LIGAN-PM’s teams of molecular biologists, computer scientists and bioinformaticians diagnose genetic diseases (under COFRAC ISO 15189 accreditation) and identify new genes for frequent or rare diseases. This European accreditation makes it possible to make genetic diagnoses as a Laboratory of Medical Biology.
LIGAN-PM provides medical research with the most efficient methodologies and protocols for the genomic and multiomic analysis of human diseases.
The LIGAN-PM platform also aims to provide very high-level training at different qualification levels (technicians, engineers, thesis students, post-docs).
LIGAN-PM plays a driving role in numerous scientific projects within the framework of public and private partnerships and offers genomic services of exceptional quality at reduced costs.