Prevention in populations at risk

SUMMARY - Prevention in populations at risk

Person in charge : Dr. Louise Montagne

Prevention of childhood obesity

The increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity is a major public health issue, exposing the people concerned to many cardiovascular, metabolic, joint and cancer diseases, and to increased mortality. Generalized prevention of this societal disease is difficult to achieve and it would undoubtedly be more effective to identify people at risk early in order to offer them more targeted prevention.

If at the societal level, obesity is linked to recent changes in our lifestyle (easy access to a high calorie diet, combined with a decrease in physical activity), at the individual level it is genetics that largely determines our build. In common, polygenic obesity, weight heritability is 70% and 5% of obesity is monogenic.

The risk of developing obesity in a child can also be predicted at 80% from social and anthropometric data that can be easily collected from birth.
The purpose of this study is to set up a vast educational campaign for the health and well-being of children based on actions for the primary and secondary prevention of overweight and childhood obesity in all primary schools of the city of Lille and to assess its effectiveness in different groups of children, according to their clinical, genetic, behavioral and environmental risk factors.

In addition to its impact on the prevalence of childhood obesity, in the long term our results should allow us to develop tools to facilitate the identification of children at risk of obesity by PMI teams, school medicine and workers. social. It is in these children in particular that prevention, monitoring and care efforts will need to be concentrated.

Person in charge : Prof. Dr. Jean-Michel Lecerf

Prevention among people in precarious situations

The prevalence of diabetes in the Hauts-de-France region is among the highest in the metropolis and affects 4.7% of the population. These figures are further accentuated by the social and economic disparities particularly present in our region with a prevalence of diabetes twice as high among people in precarious situations.

People with diabetes are also at greater risk of exhibiting signs of accelerated aging, whether at the cardiovascular or neuronal level. The complications and excess mortality associated with this chronic disease therefore make it a major public health issue and constitute a priority area of ​​research and prevention.

The potential causes of the onset of diabetes and accelerated aging are multiple and often linked to environmental (especially socio-economic), behavioral (diet, sedentary lifestyle, lifestyle, etc.), clinical (age, medical history, etc.) factors. weight, etc.) or genetics.

Interventions aimed at modifying behavior and targeting those at risk have shown encouraging results, but none have specifically addressed the most disadvantaged populations in whom the prevalence of diabetes is higher.
Based on this observation, the Center National PreciDIAB and the Institut Pasteur de Lille (IPL) wish to develop a program to prevent the onset of diabetes and accelerated aging for people in precarious situations.

To do this, an epidemiological study will be carried out at the IPL Health Examination Center in order to better understand the risk factors present in this population. This epidemiological study will then allow the deployment of a personalized coaching program targeting people in precarious situations most at risk in order to prevent, or at least delay, the onset of diabetes, accelerated aging and all complications. associated with it.