Knowledge and services
Scientific managers: Pr. B. Déprez & Dr F. Leroux
Operational manager: C. Piveteau
Person in charge: Prof. Benoît Deprez
The qualitative and quantitative characterization of the effects associated with the administration of a compound to a model animal is the keystone of the drug discovery process. This step is essential to estimate a future therapeutic effect and to assess the risk-benefit ratio of a drug candidate. As such, it is a necessary step in most therapeutic innovation projects, before deciding to hire a candidate for clinical trials. In these experiments conducted in vivo, the variability of the pharmacodynamic response often requires large numbers to provide meaningful results.
In a legitimate context of the 3Rs “Replacement, Reduction and Refinement” which govern the use of animal experiments, it is essential to use in these experiments only compounds which have been previously proven in vitro that they reach their site. action at the speed and concentration required to exert their effect.
Therefore, evaluation of ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Elimination) parameters is widely used during the target validation, hit-discovery, and lead optimization stages. These parameters make it possible to evaluate the exposure of animals to the compound and to relate it to the importance of the effect and the engagement of the target.
Our platform allows rapid evaluation of these parameters and provides project managers with the relevant information to select the best compounds for in vivo experiments and to better interpret the in vivo data. In addition, this ADME data will allow optimization of the main structure for the best possible in vivo performance.