Led by the Lille University Hospital, the Lille Study for Child Health Prevention ELIPSE receives a favorable opinion from the Personal Protection Committee. Launch at the start of the 2021 school year !
After more than a year of hard work, this Thursday, June 17, we received the favorable opinion of the Committee for the Protection of Persons for the realization of our prevention project in children entitled “ELIPSE – Lille Study of Child Health Prevention” . This first decisive step structured an entire team through its investment and particularly the Research and Innovation Department of the Lille University Hospital, which demonstrated responsiveness, agility and tenacity. This study, supervised by Dr Louise Montagne, pediatrician at GHICL, will be rolled out from the start of the 2021 school year in all preparatory classes in the city of Lille. ELIPSE’s mission is to allow early identification of children at risk of overweight or obesity in order to offer them the opportunity to participate in a personalized educational program focused on the well-being and health of children.
To achieve this objective, the National Center PreciDIAB has surrounded itself with associative partners recognized for their expertise in prevention. The location within the schools will be carried out by the APESAL association, which has already been working in the region for many years. When a child is identified, their family will then be offered to get in touch with the PrévSanté MEL association, specializing in the field of childhood obesity, in order to benefit from a family educational program. This program, specially designed for the ELIPSE study, will combine the themes of physical activity, nutrition and well-being to help children grow up healthy.
This large-scale study will also provide a better understanding of the risk factors for childhood obesity. Through the latter, the National Center PreciDIAB affirms its desire to develop innovative intervention strategies.
See you at the start of the school year to follow the ELIPSE adventure!