Dedicated to partnerships in the field of diabetes, the industrial club PreciDIAB Initiative welcomes 3 new members. AstraZeneca, Bayer and Novo Nordisk have joined our club to build new projects together. Discover the presentations of our new partners!
AstraZeneca is a science-driven international biopharmaceutical company focused on the research, development and commercialization of prescription drugs, primarily for the treatment of diseases in three major therapeutic areas: Oncology, Cardiovascular, Kidney and Metabolic ( CVRM), and Respiratory diseases & Immunology.
Richard Carayan, Regional Medical Manager :
Membership of the PreciDIAB club was motivated by the idea of joining a group of researchers and opinion leaders in an area in which, with our iSGLT2, we hope to contribute to the advancement of knowledge. We are also particularly interested in patient cohorts in renal cardiovascular and metabolic pathologies.
Bayer is an international Life Sciences group, whose core businesses are health and agriculture. Bayer’s products and services are designed to meet the challenges of a growing and aging global population, protecting everyone every day. Creating value through innovation and science, Bayer is strongly committed to sustainable development and adopts transparent and responsible conduct in its activities.
Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals and Consumer Health Divisions provide healthcare professionals, patients and consumers with prescription drugs (cardiovascular diseases, oncology, women’s health, hematology, ophthalmology, radiology) and family medication (vitamins, dermatology, gastroenterology and herbal medicine).
By enabling the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, its products guarantee greater well-being and a better quality of life.
Novo Nordisk is an international pharmaceutical company headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. We specialize in the treatment of diabetes and other serious chronic diseases such as obesity, rare bleeding diseases and growth disorders.
We employ more than 45,000 people in 80 subsidiaries around the world. Our healthcare solutions are available in 169 countries.
Jean-Paul Roudière, Director of Hospital Relations :
Joining the PreciDIAB initiative club means participating in excellent research on diabetes, but also collaborating with public and private institutional partners in prevention and health promotion programs.