For this new issue, we are innovating with a portrait in the form of a video interview. Professor David Montaigne talks to us about his role within the Lille University Hospital and in particular presents the heart & brain study of our National Center PreciDIAB, which will be launched in early 2021.
Pr. David Montaigne
Physiology & Cardiovascular Functional Explorations CHU Lille, Inserm U1011
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Professor of medical pharmacology Director of the Clinical Investigation Center (CIC 1403 Inserm-CHU de Lille) and of the Clinical Trial Unit dedicated to diabetes.
PhD, e-One Health professor and director of the Multi-Omics Statistics Department at the University of Surrey, associate researcher at the University of Lille, and in charge of the “studies of links between diabetes and cancer risks” project within the Center National PreciDIAB
Research director at Inserm, scientific manager of the center’s diabetes genomic medicine programs, head of EquipEx LIGAN-PM and team leader at UMR 1283/8199
Research Engineer in Bioinformatics, responsible for the bioinformatics platform of UMR 1283/8199
Neurologist at Lille University Hospital and researcher at Inserm.
Professor of biochemistry and researcher at UMR 1011 Nuclear Receptors, Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes.
University professor – Hospital practitioner in the acute geriatric medicine department, specialist in the course of care, drug interactions and artificial intelligence.
Department of Endocrinology Diabetology, Nutrition Metabolisms of the University Hospital of Lille.