EGID crowned with success through 2 European H2020 projects

Two projects set up by teams from EGID and PreciDIAB were recognized for their scientific excellence and obtained funding from Europe (ERA-HDHL Program and Horizon2020 Program) in order to respond to major societal challenges in the fields of nutrition and health.

The PREcisE project, coordinated in France by Prof. Philippe Froguel, aims to reveal and understand the mechanisms of transmission from mother to child of pathologies linked to blood sugar control. For this, this project brings together teams from 5 EU countries, Finland and Australia who have decided to pool their skills to cover all the research fields involved in this project: nutrition, genetics, biology, biostatistics, clinical, public health, etc …

The MiniNO project, led by Prof. Vincent Prévot, is interested in the long-term consequences of premature births and more particularly in an infantile event called minipuberty (gonadotropic axis disorder). By combining the skills of recognized neuroscientists and clinicians, this project aims to develop new personalized diagnostic and prevention methods in order to take care of premature children as early as possible and avoid the multiple complications resulting from minipuberty (mental and physiological pathologies). .

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