La seconde rencontre du club des industriels PreciDIAB Intitiative s’est déroulée le 10 septembre à Lille. Cet événement a rassemblé près d’une quarantaine de participants, scientifiques, cliniciens et industriels pour échanger sur le thème des essais cliniques.
La rencontre a débuté par la présentation du Centre d’Investigation Clinique et son Unité d’Essais Cliniques dédiée aux diabètes (Clinical Trials Unit – CTU) par son Directeur, le Prof. Dominique Deplanque.
Après avoir présenté le contexte et le rôle du CTU de PreciDIAB, le Prof. Deplanque a expliqué le fonctionnement, l’organisation ainsi que les apports du CTU pour les différents partenaires académiques et industriels.
“Retrouvez l’interview écrite du Prof. Dominique Deplanque : Portait des acteurs de PreciDIAB”
The second meeting of the industrial club PreciDIAB Initiative took place on September 10 in Lille. This event brought together nearly forty participants, scientists, clinicians and industrialists to discuss the topic of clinical trials.
The meeting began with the presentation of the Clinical Investigation Center and its Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) by its Director, Prof. Dominique Deplanque.
After presenting the context and the role of the CTU of PreciDIAB, Prof. Deplanque explained the functioning, the organization as well as the contributions of the CTU for the various academic and industrial partners.
“Find the written interview with Prof. Dominique Deplanque : Portait des acteurs de PreciDIAB”
The meeting continued with the presentation of the different existing cohorts within PreciDIAB (DESIR, DESCENDANCE and ABOS) as well as the cohorts being created (INTEGRA, Cardiology / Neurology, Gestational diabetes, Childhood obesity and Nephrology) . With the aim of promoting research and prevention, these projects are a real opportunity for all people with diabetes.
These presentations allowed the manufacturers present to have an overview of the projects developed within PreciDIAB and to discuss with scientists and clinicians on the theme: how to build together clinical studies that will allow future advances for the benefit of diabetics. and patients with complications related to this pathology.
Many discussions accompanied the whole day, which ended with a visit to the EGID Biotech innovative medical device evaluation platform.
Worn by Prof. Robert Caiazzo, she is a research accelerator ranging from helping the development of a new concept to its clinical evaluation thanks to the multiple skills available around PreciDIAB.